Today we are pleased to report that once analyzed the different piles of cork from the 2017 harvest, we can say that the resultant value in pyrazines is well below the perception threshold of 2 ng/l for 2-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyrazine described by Dr. Pascal Chatonnet and others in the journal ,Enocultura’, No. 2, 2010, pages 1-5.

This molecule with aromas of  moist cork, and even earth or cooked potato weht its concentration is high (Amon et al., 1989; Simpson, 1990; Simpson et al., 2004; Chatonnet et al., 2010),  disappears during the drying of cork plates in the yard, for that reason we at Gruart La Mancha attach great importance to respect the curing times.

 Juan Amador

Technical Director

Publicado: 03/04/2018 en General

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