As previously said on date June 9th  , in 2015 we have bought the cork raw material by an Estate located in Sierra de San Pedro(Caceres-Spain).

On Tuesday June 16th we realized a technical visit to the Estate with Winemakers and Technical  Experts of important Wineries coming from several different wine zones of Spain, interested to know personally this ancient labour.

When the visit was over, each one of them confirmed that is very important and necessary the audition of the providers, mainly for the first part of the process for the traceability.

The day has been perfect and during the evening we had the chance to visit the beauty and historical city of Caceres.

Picture nº 1: panoramic view of a zone of the Estate

Picture nº 2 : the group of Visitors, receiving explanations about the cork harvest

Picture nº 3: a moment of the harwest

Picture nº 4: GLM workers, choosing cork sheets which must be sent to our factory

Publicado: 18/06/2015 en General

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