Before starting the visit to this facility, the guests had a rest in our meeting room. Reason that our CEO took advantage of, to explain our investments in the near future, aimed especially at being able to guarantee our customers control of a greater amount of raw material, as well as finished cork stoppers, to avoid, as far as possible, the mismatch that would occur in the supply of cork stoppers, if one year, due to weather issues, we did not have the possibility of harvesting the cork.

Regarding the visit to this plant, it was also entertaining and enjoyable, each section of the company was reviewed, from the general store of cork stoppers, triple washing, disinfection and all kinds of selection processes, first electronically and finally at the visual sorting table.

There was a special control in the densimetric machines and, finally, in the section of the printers.

Finally, for a while they knew the work carried out in the laboratory and, of course, in the ’1 a 1’ department. Being able to personally verify the difficulty (or not), of the control in this section, after the maceration of 24 hours.

The official day of the visit closed with a summary of the customers, with a lunch in a winery-museum in our city, of which we also leave graphic testimony.

For the customers who were able to stay on the afternoon of the 19th, we scheduled a cultural visit to the city of Almagro and we enjoyed a play in the unique setting of its Corral de Comedias.

For our part, we thank the customers for their time and exquisite behavior throughout the duration of the trip and we humbly collect their suggestions, trusting that, after these shared experiences, the professional relationship will be better and, of course, the personal one as well.

Valdepeñas, 20 May 2023

Publicado: 25/05/2023 en General

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